A Maryland Behavioral Health Coalition Campaign
Huge Victories in 2023!
All major initiatives advanced and prioritized by the Maryland Behavioral Health Coalition during the 2023 Maryland General Assembly session were successful. Click here for more information about these significant victories.
Equally Accessible.
Two-thirds of Maryland’s counties qualify as federally-designated mental health professional shortage areas
Equally Important.
Commercial health insurance companies in Maryland reimburse behavioral health providers nearly 20% less than other doctors for similar procedures
Equally Effective.
Maryland ranked 7th worst in the nation for rates of opioid deaths from April 2020 through April 2021
Marylanders can’t wait for a crisis to receive life-saving services
Our ask is simple and achievable:
Mental health and substance use care available when and where needed.

Get Involved!
Add yourself to the Mental Health Association of Maryland listserv to receive updates and action alerts from the Equal Treatment Maryland campaign.